Tuesday 21 March 2017


Pakistan Day 23rd March, is a very historical day in Pakistan’s building story. Pakistanis immortalize the day every year as a actual day of the “making of Pakistan”. It was 23rd March when a historical Resolution – wide known as ‘Lahore Resolution’ – was authorized. The Resolution cast off the conception of United India and encouraged the creation of an autonomous Muslim state consisting of Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan in the northwest, and Bengal and Assam in the northeast.

The Resolution was seconded by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan from Punjab, Sardar Aurangzeb from the NWFP, Sir Abdullah Haroon from Sindh, and Qazi Esa from Baluchistan, along with many others. It laid down only the precepts, with the details left to be worked out at a future date. It was made a part of All India Muslim League’s establishment in 1941. More significantly, it was on the basis of this resolution that in 1946 the Muslim League decided to go for one “maverick” state for the Muslims, instead of two.
Having passed the Pakistan Resolution, the Muslims of India altered their ultimate goal. They set out on a path whose goal was a separate country of origin for the Muslims of India, in lieu of seeking union with the Hindu community. Different participating leaders of the session of All-India Muslim League held on March 23, 1940, letting in the Quaid-i-Azam, agreed that India was never united; rather it was split between Muslim India and Hindu India and it would remain so in the future. 
The entire outlooks, customs and customs of cultures of these two different nations were different anyway. They were different not only in their religious beliefs, but their entire mode of life bore a different imprint. The words of the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in his presidential address to the session carried a far deeper impression on the crushed and demoralized Muslims at the hands of ruthless and despotic Coition rule.
Mr Jinnah said: “The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs and literature. They neither intermarry nor inter-dine together, and indeed they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions.” Such a far-reaching speech by Mr Jinnah paved the way for the demand of a separate independent homeland for the exploited Muslims of India, who believed their rights and privileges could not be guarded under a parliamentary form of government.
They also realized that the bloody brutes of the majority without any democratic traditions turned the Hindu rulers tyrannical in their behavior and due to missing of any administrative experience they acted in a way that could be unacceptable in a democratic society. One of the key demands made in the Pakistan resolution moved by chief minister of Bengal Maulvi Fazl-ul-Haq on March 23, 1940, was that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it was framed on the followed basic principles.

Tuesday 17 May 2016



You can apply for a Standard Visitor visa if you want to visit UK:
  • for leisure, eg on holiday or to see your family and friends
  • for business, or to take part in sports or creative events
  • for another reason, eg to receive private medical treatment

The Standard Visitor visa has replaced the:
  • Family Visitor visa
  • General Visitor visa
  • Child Visitor visa
  • Business Visitor visa, including visas for academics, doctors and dentists
  • Sports Visitor visa
  • Entertainer Visitor visa
  • Prospective Entrepreneur visa
  • Private Medical Treatment Visitor visa
  • Approved Destination Status (ADS) visa

If you visit UK on business

You can apply for a Standard Visitor visa if you want to visit the UK for business-related activities, eg:
  • you’re coming to the UK for a conference, meeting or training
  • you want to take part in a specific sports-related event
  • you’re an artist, entertainer or musician and coming to the UK to perform
  • you’re an academic and are doing research or accompanying students on a study abroad programme
  • you’re a doctor or dentist and are coming to the UK to take a clinical attachment or observer post
  • you want to take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or sit the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
  • you want to get funding to start, take over, join or run a business in the UK

What you can and can’t do

You can:
  • take part in any of the business-related activities mentioned in the Visitor Rules
  • study for up to 30 days, as long as it’s not the main reason for your visit
  • take part in an exchange programme or educational visit (if you’re under 18)
  • convert your civil partnership into a marriage
You can’t:
  • do paid or unpaid work
  • live in the UK for long periods of time through frequent visits
  • get public funds
  • marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership

How long it will take

The earliest you can apply is 3 months before you travel.
ExampleYou can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

How long you can stay

You can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months.
You might be able to stay for longer if:
  • you’re coming to the UK for private medical treatment - up to 11 months
  • you’re an academic on sabbatical and coming to the UK for research - you, your spouse or civil partner may be able to stay for up to 12 months
If you’re staying in the UK as an academic or to receive private medical treatment for longer than 6 months, you must apply for a biometric residence permit.
You might be able to get a visit visa for up to 30 days if you’re a visitor under the Approved Destination Status (ADS) Agreement.

Long-term visit visas

If you can prove you need to visit the UK regularly over a longer period, you can apply for a visa that lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit.
If you’re under 18 years old when you apply, your long-term visit visa will only be valid for up to 6 months after you turn 18.


The fee for a long-term visit visa depends on its length:
  • 2 years - £330
  • 5 years - £600
  • 10 years - £752

2. Eligibility

You must always show that:
  • you’ll leave the UK at the end of your visit
  • you’re able to support yourself and any dependents for the duration of your trip
  • you’re able to pay for your return or onward journey and any other costs relating to your visit
  • you have proof of any business or other activities you want to do in the UK, as allowed by the Visitor Rules

If you’re applying for a long-term visit visa

You must prove that:
  • you have a frequent and ongoing need to come to the UK
  • the reason why you need to come to the UK is unlikely to change while your visitor visa is valid
  • you plan to leave the UK at the end of each visit
You may be given a visa for a shorter period than requested if you don’t do this. You won’t get a refund of the application fee if you get a shorter visa or your application is refused.
Your visa may be cancelled and you may get a long-term ban on visiting if your travel history shows you’re repeatedly living in the UK for extended periods.

If you’re applying as an academic

You can stay in the UK for 12 months if you’re applying as an academic. You must prove you’re highly qualified within your field of expertise, on sabbatical leave from your home institution and visiting to either:
  • take part in a formal exchange with a UK counterpart
  • carry out your own research
  • take part in someone else’s research, teaching or clinical practice - as long as this doesn’t involve filling a permanent teaching post

If you’re applying to visit for private medical treatment

You must prove that you:
  • have a medical condition that needs private consultation or treatment in the UK
  • have made or paid for arrangements for consultations or treatment
  • have enough money to pay for your treatment, support yourself without using public funds and pay for your return or onward journey
  • will leave the UK once your treatment is completed, or when your visa expires
  • are not a danger to public health if you’re suffering from an infectious disease, eg leprosy

If you’re applying as an organ donor

You can only visit the UK to donate organs to:
  • a family member who you’re genetically related to (eg your sibling or parent)
  • someone you have a close personal relationship with (eg your spouse or friend)
You must prove that the person you’re donating an organ to is legally allowed to be in the UK.

3. Documents you must provide

When you apply you’ll need to provide:
  • a current passport or other valid travel identification
  • evidence that you can support yourself during your trip, eg bank statements or payslips from the last 6 months
You need a page in your passport that’s blank on both sides for your visa. Your passport must be valid for the whole of your stay in the UK.
You’ll also need to provide a certified translation of any documents that aren’t in English or Welsh.
Read the full list of supporting documents you can provide.
You might need to provide additional documents if you’re visiting the UK:
  • for private medical treatment
  • to apply as an organ donor
  • as an academic on sabbatical and want to stay for 12 months
  • as a prospective entrepreneur
  • to take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or sit the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Where to send your documents

You’ll be told where to send your documents when you apply.
Any original documents you submit as part of your application will be sent back to you.

Other information you’ll need

You’ll need to provide the following:
  • the dates you’re planning to travel to the UK
  • details of where you’ll be staying during your visit
  • how much you think your trip will cost
  • your current home address and how long you’ve lived there
  • your parents’ names and dates of birth
  • how much you earn in a year
You might also need:
  • details of your travel history for the past 10 years (as shown in your passport)
  • your employer’s address and telephone number
  • your partner’s name, date of birth, and passport number
  • the name and address of anyone paying for your trip
  • the name, address and passport number of any family members you have in the UK
  • details of any criminal, civil or immigration offences you have committed

4. If you're under 18

You can apply for a standard visitor visa if you’re under 18 and:
  • you’ve made suitable arrangements for your travel and stay in the UK
  • you have consent from your parent or guardian to travel to the UK
  • you’re able to pay for your return or onward journey
  • you have enough money to support yourself without working or getting help from public funds, or you have family and friends that can support you

Travelling alone

You can travel to the UK without an adult (someone over the age of 18).
Your parent or guardian will need to provide their:
  • written consent for you to travel to the UK
  • full contact details
They’ll also need to provide proof that you have somewhere suitable to live during your stay in the UK, including:
  • the name and date of birth of the person that you will be staying with
  • an address where you will be living
  • details of your relationship to the person who’ll be looking after you
  • consent in writing so they can look after you during your stay in the UK

Travelling with an adult

When travelling to the UK with an adult (someone over the age of 18), you’ll need to identify them in your visa application.
If the person you’re travelling with isn’t your parent, you’ll need to provide specific information about them in your application.
Their name will appear on your visa, and you’ll be refused entry to the UK if you arrive in the UK without them.
You can identify up to 2 adults in your visa application, and your visa will only be valid if you travel with at least one of them.
The adult can apply for a visa at the same time, but you must each complete separate applications.

5. Apply

Apply from outside the UK online

You’ll need to have your fingerprints and photograph (known as ‘biometric information’) taken at a visa application centre as part of your application.
You may be able to get your visa faster or other services depending on what country you’re in - check with your visa application centre.

Apply from within the UK

You might be able to extend your visa if you’re already in the UK.


6. Extend your visa

You may be able to extend your visa as long as the total time you spend in the UK is less than 6 months - eg if you apply for a 3 month visa, you can apply to extend it for 3 more months.
Read the guidance to find out if you can extend your visa.
You should apply before your current visa expires.

If you’re receiving private medical treatment in the UK

You can apply to extend your visa for a further 6 months if you:
  • have paid for any treatment you’ve already had in the UK
  • can and will pay the further costs of your treatment
  • continue to meet the eligibility requirements
You must also get a medical practitioner or NHS consultant who’s registered in the UK to provide:
  • proof of arrangements for your private medical consultation or treatment
  • a letter saying how long your treatment is likely to take
  • details of the progress of your treatment, if it’s already started


You must apply while you’re still in the UK.

How to extend your visa

You can:


You must pay:
  • £811 if you apply to extend your visa by post
  • £1,311 if you apply in person

How long it takes

A decision will be made:
  • within 8 weeks for postal applications
  • usually on the same day if you use the premium service
You’ll be contacted if your application is complex and will take longer, eg:
  • if your supporting documents need to be verified
  • if you need to attend an interview
  • because of your personal circumstances (for example if you have a criminal conviction)
Once you’ve applied you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.

Monday 16 May 2016

Things not to take to any embassy with you

You should not take following things to any embassy if you are going for visa interview
1- Any electrical device e.g mobile phone, tablet, laptop
2- Flameable: Lighter, Match box etc
3- any device with on off switch
4- Food or drink even cigeratte

if any of the things described are found with you during interview
you can be given
1- new date for interview
2- Arrested
3- or you can be denied visa permanently.

 for More information feel free to contact

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Types of Visa

There are several types of visa for which you can apply. If I write in detail it will be complicated for readers. Let make it a little easy for readers to understand.

Types of Visas:

  1. Visit Visa
  2. Study Visa
  3. Immigration Visa
  4. Work Visa

Visit Visa:

Visit Visa also known as visitor visa or tourist visa is type of visa which you apply for when you want to 

Visit your family or friends living abroad,
Go for a job,
For Medical Treatment etc.

Study Visa:

Study Visa also known as student visa is type of visa which you apply for when you want to study abroad. Study Visa is a non-immigration visa. The only thing you can do is study in the country you get visa for. (You can do part time job if university allows).

Immigration Visa:

Immigration visa may call as Permanent settlement visa is visa which you apply for if you want to permanently settle abroad.

Work Visa:

Work Visa is a visa which is applied for if you want to do job in foreign country. This visa can only be get through agencies that offer work permit. (Work permit is a permission to apply which is given by foreign companies to agencies that supply workers for them (labour unions)).

At Internik The Consultant We offer  Visa File Processing for Visit Visa and Student Visa. With this we offer Foreign Education Consultancy for those who want to Study Abroad.

You can find our Address On the bottom of this page.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Where to Study?

Selection of countries/cities, to go to study is a really difficult task. As your future depends upon it. Well here are some of points I think that should help you to make your decision easy. I call them four Cs to choose.

1- Course

It is the course for which you want to apply and study. It is the course through which you can/will make a pillar of your future. Search for the countries that are offering this course you want to study. Narrow your search to best five and Apply to them all (Note:  5 best institutes from all countries not 5 from each country). (Best chance you will get call from all. worst you will at least get call from one).

4- Cost

Cost is another factor in your study. First estimate the cost that you can afford for your study. Search and work to get the cost which will be needed to study in the five institutes and select the one that meets your cost.

2- Culture

Culture is another factor that 90% affects your way of thinking, way of living and it do tells what you are. Search for the countries culture and select the one that most suites you. (If the culture does not suites you and the country meets your cost and course requirements plus you can handle or set in the culture then go for it and do your best).

3- Challenges

Search for the Challenges that you will be facing in the country you chose or will choose. If you already selected the country after looking at first three Cs then be prepared for the challenges, if not selected yet, I would suggest if the challenges are minor then get prepared and select the country with minor ones. (but do include first three Cs as well) .  If the best choice to study abroad is the country with major challenges then at first I would take some time until the challenges are finished or reduced else choose one with minor or no challenge.
 (Hint: I would suggest get away from the countries in which you would face challenges aroused from political or social ties).

  For more information or any suggestion feel free to ask me

SanaUllah Qaisar

C.E.O InterNik (The Consultant)

A Foreign Education Consultancy Company





Monday 2 May 2016

Wrong view about Visa File Processing and agents

The process of gathering and organizing required documents which are needed to apply for visa is known as VISA FILE PROCESSING.


We think that visa agents are those who will give us visa in return to our payment.  We are wrong Visa agents are not the one who give us visa, Visa is Applied through a specific Embassy. They are the one who help us or offer their services to get us visa from Embassy by making or setting our documents or files in such a manner that embassy can easily assess you, know you, that you are not harm to their country or you will not enter their country without permission.

I am writing this short note here so that people can have a better understanding of visa agents what they do. How they do? they know better.
If you need more information about visa agents or visa file processing feel free to contact
